Since Churchill families reside all over the city and beyond, opportunities that bring us together are even more essential. Every family within the Churchill community is automatically a member of the Churchill Parents Association.

Dear Families,

I hope you and your families had a fantastic summer and are rested and ready for another exciting school year. My name is Melissa Friedman, and I am thrilled to serve as the Parents Association President.

The primary mission of the Churchill Parents Association is to support and strengthen our community. With the help from our committed and talented parent and caregiver volunteers, the PA has been able to host a variety of events for our families. Some of our highlights include:

  • Winter and Spring Carnivals
  • Winter Cocktail Party (for parents and caregivers only)
  • Virtual Quiz Night (for parents and caregivers only)
  • In-school Book Fair with McNally Jackson
  • Family Ice Skating Party
  • Contribute funds for the Middle School Party and High School Prom
  • Contribute student experiences for the Benefit Auction
  • Treats for school professionals during Teacher Appreciation Week

We plan to continue with these activities and create more!

Thank you for being a part of the Churchill Community. I look forward to seeing you throughout the year!

Melissa Friedman

Get Involved

We are always looking for new ways for our families to connect outside of school. If you are interested in joining a committee, volunteering, serving as a Grade Representative or have an idea for an event or program, please email us at [email protected].

Upcoming Events

We will be holding our monthly PA meetings through Zoom as a more convenient option. Most of our meetings will take place at 9am but we will also hold one or two evening meetings for parents and caregivers who are unavailable in the morning. Our first meeting will be at 9am on October 11th.

Join us in the Churchill Courtyard after drop off (8am) on September 12th for our Welcome Back Breakfast. It's a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones!

Gratitude Fund

In addition to our community-building events, the PA organizes the Gratitude Fund every November, which offers monetary gifts to our dedicated Churchill School Professionals. Your contribution to this fund is a meaningful way to express appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

Give to the Gratitude Fund

PA Dues

Lastly, our PA events are funded by the generous contribution of PA Dues. If you haven’t contributed your dues already, please click on the link below to learn more about PA Dues and contribute.

Pay Your PA Dues